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Earthquake Preparedness  Hints

Family,  Business & Neighborhood






China 7.1 Earthquake

Qinghai Relief:

How You Can Help

April 13, 2010


China's Qinghai province -- an area bordering Tibet -- was hit by a 7.1 earthquake early Wednesday morning. Three-hundred deaths have been blamed on the quake, with considerable damage and injuries also reported in the area. Ninety percent of the buildings in Golmud have been destroyed. China's Qinghai province -- an area bordering Tibet -- was hit by a 7.1 earthquake early Wednesday morning. Three-hundred deaths have been blamed on the quake, with considerable damage and injuries also reported in the area. Ninety percent of the buildings in Golmud have been destroyed.

Nonprofit, non-governmental groups are now arriving in the area to help with relief, and some have already released calls for aid. Here's how you can help:




A lot of folks do not realize that the majority of all drinking water supplies serving the Bay Area  will be out of commission if the Hayward Fault ruptures the Hetch-Hetchy line through the Diablo Range to the San Mateo terminus.   While California's OES and FEMA will be  working feverishly to get water back online - it is a safe  guess that it will be a while before they succeed.


Santa Clara's HEAT   Home Emergency Assistance Teams program began in 1995. Since the program began, hundreds of participants have learned about the City's emergency organization and have received the 20-hour training. The training, which consists of 4 classes, covers safety, awareness, preparation, utility control and fire suppression, basic medical care, damage assessment, light search and rescue, communications, terrorism awareness, and HEAT team management.

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  From FEMA's
Are You Ready....
There are real benefits to being prepared. Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. Communities, families, and individuals should know what to do in the event of an earthquake. They should be ready to evacuate their homes and take refuge in public shelter and know how to care for their basic medical needs. The need to prepare is real. Read the full document here...

The American Red Cross
Safe and Well Website offers  those who have been affected by a disaster,  a way for you to register yourself as “safe and well.” This provides a way to communicate to your family members, letting them know of your well-being.

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Earthquake Alert plugin for Firefox Browsers


USGS Earthquake Notifier

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