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Earthquake Preparedness  Hints

Family,  Business & Neighborhood






QUEST on KQED Public Media.

What would a California earthquake early warning look like?

Probably something like this clip from Japanese TV, which shows a session in Japan's parliament when last months' 9.0 earthquake struck.

The Japanese earthquake early warning system had some bugs. For one thing, the sensors under-estimated the size of the massive earthquake. They also misjudged how much of the country would feel it.

Still, to researchers who work on earthquake warning systems, what happened in Japan was proof: The systems work.   Read the full article here


Aid Japan Quake Survivors Help Mercycorps provide shelter, aid to families who've lost homes. 

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The American Red Cross
Safe and Well Website offers  those who have been affected by a disaster,  a way for you to register yourself as “safe and well.” This provides a way to communicate to your family members, letting them know of your well-being.

Quake alert free plugin for Firefox borwsers

Earthquake Alert plugin for Firefox Browsers


USGS Earthquake Notifier

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